Business presentations skills training

Mastering business presentations workshop

Mastering presentation skills training

Presentations are a very fundamental part of the decision making process in the modern international business world. The training will help you make proposals, get approval for ideas and communicate information clearly.  This presentation training will teach you how to make logical, concise and clear presentations. You will make an impact with a confident and convincing style.

Do you want to have more gravitas, authority and presence to deliver a strong presentation? We will show you how to be more influential, inspiring, engaging and persuasive to every audience. This is our flagship course and we have built our reputation on it. This course creates amazing long-term results for our clients and we always get awesome feedback from it.

What You Will Gain

You will be more confident. Your personal impact will improve and your ability to satisfy demanding and critical audiences through effective structures and visual support will improve, making your meetings much shorter. This presentation training will teach you how to direct, control and steer through any discussion and question and answer session that will follow your presentation. What you will learn:

  • Compelling storytelling and scripting techniques that will make all you say very memorable and engaging.

  • Advanced communication techniques for persuasion and influence with examples from different presidents, television presenters and actors which will make you an alluring speaker.

  • Skills for conquering tough objections and questions to win people around you with rapport and respect.

  • Avoid the common mistake of using poor visual aids by learning how experts use alluring slides, flip-charts and props to make everything come alive.

  • Practice the new skills that you have learned in front of audiences with supportive feedback and coaching which allows you to build new skills with confidence.

  • Leave our training feeling motivated and inspired to use everything you have learnt in your next presentation with immediate results.

 Every time you have to make a presentation, either to some of your colleagues or to a large audience, you will be able to make a memorable and powerful impact.

Our training will help you understand the arena of presentation so you can be in charge of it. Once you feel that you are in charge, you will gain confidence and from there you will learn techniques that will help you become a knowledgeable and engaging speaker.


Every presenter who wants to pass a message professionally and clearly. For consultants and managers as well as autonomous business men/women who:

  • Make Presentations in Boardrooms

  • Make Presentations at Conferences

  • Make Sales Presentations

  • Talk to The Media or the Public

  • Pitch Ideas Internally

  • Give Key Note Speeches

This is an interactive and lively workshop which allows you to learn new skills in a practical and enjoyable way. There will be two trainers to eight trainees, so you will have the opportunity of asking questions, exploring the use of techniques in various situations and gaining plenty of feedback and personal practice.

Vigorous Delivery

You will learn the most efficient vocal and physical choices that will make your style of communication more dynamic and engaging, to boost your gravitas and personal impact.

Engaging Content

Ensure that your audience remain engaged with two powerful scripting systems. These will give you a simple framework capable of building every presentation type and making complex information more persuasive, memorable and compelling.

Powerful Visual Aids

A lot of people use slides that consist of just a ‘leave-behind-document’ and notes. This means that their audience will be distracted by words and bullets. You will learn how experts use flip charts, props and slides to bring their message to life. This will make you a more alluring speaker.

Learn How to Overcome Objections

Learn how to win over difficult people with the most efficient system for handling tough questions and objections which will gain you thinking time and allow you to build a strong rapport with your audience. You will win respect for your ideas due to this.

Personal Practice

You will be coached personally for the duration of this workshop in little groups that will improve your technique so you will be very confident and extremely ready to put all you learn into action as soon as you get back to work.


This workshop will guide you throughout every step of this course with examples that will boost the memory and learning of each technique. You will also gain a personal development plan that will help you attain long lasting success.


Szkolenie prowadzi dr Michał Chmielecki. Profesjonalny negocjator. Trener z 15-letnim doświadczeniem. Autor bestsellera “Techniki negocjacji i wywierania wpływu”.

Do jego klientów należą firmy z list Fortune 500 oraz Rzeczpospolita 100 oraz najważniejsze instytucje państwowe w tym Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych.

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